Mission Ipswich East Church

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fasting is associated with...

·      the love of the Lord is better than life, and spiritual nourishment is more important than physical (Ps.63:3-5);

·      we do not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God (Matt.4:4);

·      hunger for God and His righteousness (Matt.5:6; Is.58);

·      humbling ourselves before the Lord (Ps.35:13; I Kings 21:27-29);

·      the means through which the Lord exposes what lies in our hearts, and through which He can discipline us so that we may learn to trust His providence (Deut.8:1-5);

·      practised with intercession / supplication / petition (Ezra 8:21-23; Neh.1:4; Dan.9:3);

·      averting disaster / seek help from the Lord (II Chron.20:3);

·      response to suffering brought about by the Lord in discipline or times of spiritual crisis (Joel 2; Acts 9:9; II Cor. 11:27) [should be the Church’s standard response to any crisis or concern]

·      seeking wisdom and discernment from the Lord (Jdgs 20:26; Acts 13:2-3);

·      linked to spiritual power and effectiveness in ministry (Mk.9:29 see NIV footnote);

·      it underpins times of worship and is the context in which the Church receives guidance for ministry (Acts 13:1-3; 14:23);

·      mourning (Neh.1:4; Ps.42:3) and repentance (I Sam.7:5-6; Jonah 3:5);

·      anticipation of the coming age (Lk.5:33-39). 

intensify the effectiveness of prayer and response to God, if done with integrity and in the context of wider life of righteousness (Is.58; Zech. 7:3-14 – note that when the prophets attack fasting, it is not the practise itself, but the hypocrisy they harangue; see also Matt.6:16f; Col.2:16-23).