Mission Ipswich East Church

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Apostles Creed session 6

Continue to memorise the Apostles’ Creed

Over this half-term we have been working to memorise Matthew 5:1-10. This is the last week we will be focusing on this passage.

(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the next 3 years)

To Be a Christian, Q&A 59-68

Ahead of next week, read Romans 6:1-14. What would you say was Paul’s answer to the question of why we shouldn’t go on sinning?

No theology is genuinely Christian that does not arise from, and focus on the Cross.

John Stott.

Continue reading through Matthew’s Gospel, and isolating any commands, or examples Jesus leaves for us to follow.

As we list them, reflect on:

Which ones do you obey?

Which ones do you struggle with?

Which ones do you not understand?

Where do you need help, and what help do you need?