Mission Ipswich East Church

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sometimes what you read has more resonance...

The fall of humanity has created a perpetual crisis. It will last until sin has been put down and Christ reigns over a redeemed world … The fall has affected every part of our nature - moral, intellectual, psychological, spiritual, physical. Our whole being is deeply injured. The sin in our heart has overflowed into our total life… nature itself, the earth and even the astronomical universe has felt the shock of our sin…Humanity is lost but not abandoned.

Let a flood or fire hit a region, and no able bodied citizen feels they have any right to rest till they have done all they can to save as many as they can… While death stalks no-one dares relax; the critical emergency for some becomes an emergency for all. In times of extraordinary crisis, ordinary measures will not suffice. The world lives in such a time of crisis. Christians alone are in a position to rescue the perishing. We dare not settle down and try to live as if things were ‘normal’. Nothing is ‘normal’ while death roams the world…

To me it has always been difficult to understand those Christians who insist on living in the crisis as if no crisis existed … I wonder if such Christians actually believe in the fall.

taken from Tozer, Born after Midnight.