Mission Ipswich East Church

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a great video from Christian Institute...

How Christianity changed the world… well worth 20 minutes of your time as Sharon James introduces the main ideas in her latest book eploring not just how Christianity has left a great legacy for our culture, but also how we can build on that in our day. When many are suggesting that Christianity is a spent force, or worse, an oppressive force, in our society it’s worth being aware of our history… Sharon’s point is that Freedom, Religious liberty, Justice, Healthcare, Education, the sanctity of life, Women’s Rights, the emancipation of slaves, the environment, even animal welfare have all been transformed for the better by Christianity. She draws attentnion to Wilberforce, Shaftesbury, Butler – to name but a few – who were among the men and women who, driven by their deep Christian faith have had a hand in transforming the world.