Here are 12 short videos looking at some of life’s questions.
Life can be a puzzle sometimes. Finding meaning, purpose and happiness can be a difficult thing, especially when the busyness of life kicks in.
Where are you searching for meaning, purpose and happiness? Have you found it?
Life can be a puzzle sometimes. Finding meaning, purpose and happiness can be a difficult thing, especially when the busyness of life kicks in.
God created you to live a life full of meaning, purpose, passion and deep joy in relationship with Him. Do you have that relationship with Him? And if not, do you want it?
Through Jesus, it is available to you …
What do you think your life is worth? Are you someone who thinks you just blend into the background and nobody would really miss much if you weren’t around?
If that is the way you see yourself, you should know that you’re wrong. Jesus thought you were so valuable He willingly gave up His life to save your soul. He loves you today. Come to Jesus.
Do you ever think about where we came from? Intelligent design? Big bang? Evolution? All of the above? Maybe just coincidence …
You might think there’s no way to truly know. I want to encourage you to look around … could the evidence of earth itself point to something more than just coincidence or chance?
How can we be truly clean? Not just on the outside but on the inside as well? How can we deal with the wrong things that we’ve all done, said and thought?
What if we can’t? What if we never could? Who can we turn to for help?
There is no sin Jesus won’t forgive when we turn to Him for help. If you want to be made clean. Come to Jesus, He will not turn you away.
Who’s fault is it that the world is the way it is? Who do we blame? Maybe our governments? Other countries? Other people? Rarely ourselves …
The truth is we are all to blame … but Jesus decided instead of placing the faults of mankind on us, he would take them on himself at the cross so we could be forgiven. The one person who wasn’t worthy of blame took it all on Himself so we could receive God’s forgiveness.
How do I live a good life? It’s a hard question isn’t it … society has a lot to say about what it means to live a good life … but is it right?
There’s nothing wrong with wanting the finer things in life. But when all is said and done, how’s your soul?
Life can be crazy busy sometimes, and in the middle of the craziness life can also feel pretty mundane and boring. What if the temporal nature of everyday isn’t the end of the story? What if we were made for more? Are you ready for eternity?
What does it mean to be truly free? How do we become free? And, if we aren’t living free, how can we change that?
In the Bible, Jesus talks about real freedom. Freedom that can’t be taken away by circumstance, people or the storms of life.
Do you have real freedom?
What does it truly mean to be perfect? Have you ever met a perfect person? Do you think you could ever be one?
How does God fit into this question? Is He perfect? and if He is ... how would he look upon imperfect people?
Justice? Mercy? Grace?
What do you think of when you think of Christmas? Maybe presents, family, food. I guess for many of us, we do focus in on those things, and with good reason! They're great.
But who do you think Christmas is for? What truly is the reason for the season?
You might have never thought about that question before, but there is some cool stuff worth knowing ... this will be the most important question you are ever asked ... Who is this man Jesus?
What will you say?