Safeguarding - Introduction

The care and protection of children, young people and adults at risk who are involved in church activities is the responsibility of the whole church. Everyone who participates in the life of the church has a role to play in promoting a Safer Church for all.

Safeguarding is an integral part of the mission and ministry of the church within the diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Safeguarding - Documents

The following documents will assist church members to know more about the policies and the processes in relation to Safeguarding;

Further documents and additional information about Safeguarding can be accessed on the website for the diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich

Safeguarding – If a concern exists

Parishes have to appoint a Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) to work with the incumbent and the PCC to implement safeguarding policy and procedures. Within MIE the PSOs are;

Should concerns exist regarding a child, young person or adult at risk of harm; please contact one of the Parish Safeguarding Officers. If they are unavailable, contact either;

  • the Incumbent/Vicar (Mark Prentice)

  • the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - 07785 621319

If a child or adult is at risk of immediate harm call 999