Mission Ipswich East Church

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Evangelism in Acts

Here is a list of evangelistic encounters from the Book of Acts, some of which we were beginning to engage with at DTP this week:

  • 2:14-40, Peter Preaching at Pentecost

  • 3:11-26, Peter in Jerusalem

  • 4:5-12, Peter speaking to Jewish leaders

  • 5:29-32, Peter speaking to Jewish leaders

  • 7:1-60, Stephen talking to the Jews

  • 8:26-40, Philip and the Ethiopian

  • 10:23-48, Peter talking to Cornelius

  • 13:6-15, Paul in front of Sergius Paulus

  • 13:16-41, Paul speaking in the Synagogue in Psidian Antioch

  • 14:8-18, Paul speaking to Greeks in Lystra

  • 16:25-34, Paul speaking to the Jailer

  • 17:16-34, Paul speaking to the Greeks in Athens

  • 22:1-29, Paul giving his testimony to Jewish people

  • 24:10-21, Paul speaking to Felix

  • 26:1-19, Paul giving his testimony to Agrippa.

You might find other passages that are useful, but these should get you started.

After thinking thorugh what we would say / want to hear in an evangelistic sermon, we were asking a number of questions, including:

What are the key points of the Gospel the Apostles are preaching?

What would you expect to hear in an evangelistic sermon that doesn’t feature here?