term 8 Invitation week
Discussion Starters:
How has this term changed the way you think about being a Christian? What inspires you? What has caused anxiety? Why do you think that is?
Do you think it is getting harder to be a Christian in the UK? Why / Why not?
How confident would you be facing a growingly hostile context?
How does the prospect of that impact how the Church might pray for and prepare (and where appropriate, parent / grandparent) children and young people? How should this affect children’s and youth work?
How is your Rule of Life shaping up? What changes did you (plan to) make? Have you kept them going? Reflect on your experience of trying to keep a Rule of Life.
How is your Rule of Life shaping up? What changes did you (plan to) make? Have you kept them going? Reflect on your experience of trying to follow a Rule of Life.
How could DTP develop going forward?
Would you be interested in teaching this material in a small group? ...or in developing DTP for a wider audience?
And don’t forget to read the Article from Premier Christianity. You can go to the original article here: