term 8 week 7

Only a couple more weeks of term to go! Don’t forget that on 2nd July we’ll be wrapping this module up and having a Bring and Share meal together!

In the meantime, there were two parts set to this weeks homework. The first was to visit Open Doors UK (though if you are involved with another organisation that supports persecuted Christians, visit them!). Open Doors is a Global Church Partner organsiation at MIE. Click on the ‘Get Invovled’ tab, and pick any of the actions to perform that will enable you to do something immediately practical to identify with our brothers and sisters. Advocacy, letter writing, giving, fundraise, pray… the choice is yours.

…and ahead of next week, watch this video exploring the dynamics of forgiveness. It’s only 10 or 12 minutes, but it sets up a couple of key ideas we’ll be working with next Tuesday evening.