Apostles Creed session 9


Continue to memorise the Apostles’ Creed

Over this half-term we will be working to memorise Matthew 5:11-16. You will have to keep refreshing Matt.5:1-10 whilst you do this.

(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the next 3 years)

To Be a Christian, Q&A 76-83 & A Prayer for the Son’s Mission.

Go back through the commands of Jesus distilled from Matthew’s Gospel.  What teachings, warnings or promises are there around those commands that are designed to help us to obey them?

Invitation week.

How is DTP going?

Reflect on what you have learned of the Creed so far.  What have you learnt?  What has surprised you? How are you thinking differently about Jesus and discipleship now?

Are you doing anything different now to what you started?  What is changing in your experience of being a Christian? 

As you were memorizing the Beatitudes, what was the Spirit teaching you?

…and don’t forget to pray for each other.