A Monday Meditation ... as we establish a new normal

Over a generation ago a modern mystic, A.W. Tozer, wrote an article going by the title: ‘Only a Few Things Matter’. It was the 1950’s and he was already complaining about the sophistication and complexity of modern life. Complaining more specifically about its impact on the spiritual life and vivacity of the Church. He thought we were becoming fixated with the many incidental and unimportant things, whilst neglecting the few that were truly, eternally important.

As isolation becomes more of a reality, and our life simplifies around us, we have a chance to reconsider those few eternally important things. As we were reflecting in our Lent course before we had to cancel it, our life is a time specific event. ‘You are dust, and to dust you shall return’ (Gen.3:19). When our time comes, how will we want to have lived? Or to put the question in a more explicitly Christian way, ‘When we close our eyes in death and open them to see Christ, how will we want to have lived?’

Often busy-ness crowds out what we know to be important. How often have we said: ‘Stop the world – I want to get off…’. Instinctively we have known that we are caught up in the unimportant. We have a chance to (re-)build our lives on a surer foundation. Yet I suspect that even now we may feel we don’t have ‘time’. Here’s a game-changer for you. Enjoy. Watch carefully - it’s almost like real magic