Rom.8:12-17 (Church as Family): Ideas for family worship

It’s quite revealing to ask your child(ren) to think of as many words that describe Jesus as they can: Lord, Saviour, King, Son of God...  how long will it take to get to: Brother?  And yet this one of Jesus’ favourite titles for Himself. 

Heb.2:11, Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.

He loves being our (eternally) older Brother.  What does this help us to understand about Jesus? ...and about what it means for us to be Christians?  ...and what kind of relationship He wants with us? 

Can you fill in the ‘Family Tree’ above? What would a Family Tree for the Church look like!!??

Another great verse is from I John 3:1, See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called the children of God.

To talk about the Church as the family of God is to tap into this rich vision of our relationship with different members of the Godhead.  Our reading this week (Rom.8:12-17) talked about the Spirit as well, as the Spirit of Adoption.  When we are adopted into the family of God, we are treated just the ‘natural’ Son of God – Jesus.  We are treated and viewed by the Father, just as He treats Jesus.  And He gives us the power (through the Holy Spirit) to grow more into the family likeness!

Something that the Bible gets very excited about is the hope that this gives us.  We will share in the inheritance of the New Creation with Jesus too!  Until that day, our Father promises to be always with us.  Maybe have a read through the Matt.6:25-34.  What does this teach us about what it means to call God ‘Father’?

You could spend some time talking about what makes your children’s relationship with you unique..?  Why can they call you Mum / Dad, but no-one else can?  What privileges do they have as children in your family?  What responsibilities?  What do they get to be part of that no-ne else joins in with?  Are there equivalents in the life of the Church? 

You can read a bit more about the Church as the Family of God in section 103 of My First Books and more...