This lent my aim is for us to live as missional disciples within the places and the relationships where we live our everyday lives. This is not preparing us for a big mission but into a way of life living as God intended us to lead others to know Jesus. Many of us will be at different places in our confidence and abilities to witness to others but over the next few weeks I hope that this will help move us on.
Today's session is all about remembering who Jesus is and responding to his call to share his love with others. Gaining our confidence from him and knowing he is with us through his Holy Spirit. Having the gratitude that he has saved us and this gratitude frees us to be generous and keeps alive our desire to share Jesus with others. As we go into prayer let's consider what we are grateful for?
Breakout room -
Questions -
How are you?
How did you come to believe in Jesus?
What difference has he made to your life?
Do you pray for your lost friends regularly?
Do you notice a difference when you do?
In Matthew 28 in the great commission and in Acts 1 we hear some challenging but some encouraging words that Jesus spoke to the disciples saying that he is sending us as his representatives. In the same way the Father sent Jesus to reveal his love to the world and complete his missions, so he is sending us. The good news is that he hasn't left us on our own! He has sent his Holy Spirit and given us his authority. He expects his disciples to make new disciples and if we thought it was just those first apostles, he then says that they are to teach these new disciples to do what he has told them, which is to make disciples. Jesus understands that to start with we won't know how to make a new disciple but he will teach us and so we have to learn from him. That is really what is meant by the word disciple that we will be learners, on the job apprentices who will learn how to lead others to follow him.
What are the reasons you can think of why Jesus’ good news is worth sharing?
Breakout room Questions -
Think about what Jesus has done for you, what are you most grateful for today? ( encourage actual personal reasons that the difference Jesus has made in their lives)
Read John 4: v 1-26, 39-42
What do we learn from Jesus’ example of sharing his good news?
What difference does encountering Jesus make to this woman?
What do we learn from the experience of the woman about what it means to be a witness for Jesus?
What is your response to this passage?
Jesus sat and listened to what the Holy Spirit is revealing about her and then responds to this in how he speaks. We need to listen to the Holy Spirit to lead our thoughts and words when we are witnessing to others.
Do this in pairs - Be still and listen to what God is telling you. What specifically do you (God) love about this person?
What encouragement do you want me to bring them? ( God’s answers could come as a feeling / image in our imagination / bible verse /phrase or a line of thought?)
Takeaway in the week( not homework but tools to help them grow deeper in their relationship with God)
- Think about 5 people in your life ( where you spend the majority of your time) that you would love see come to Jesus. Over the next week I want you to think and pray about them and for God to open their hearts to him.
- Sharing life with another. Jesus instructs the 72 disciples to go out on mission, to stay in someone's home and eat with them. Can you encounter someone hospitably this week? Whilst you are together pray silently for God's blessing and ask God if there is anything he wants you to understand about them or share with them. Within every session it is not to make anyone feel bad / condemned or pressured but to help us overcome obstacles that are stopping us moving forward.
- For us to be accountable with each other, maybe a person from your homegroup or another Christian friend whom you will share this with and pray it over with.