Mission Shaped Living Week 6 - Conversion

( need paper / pens)

  • There are many ways that people come to a clear faith in Jesus Christ and, of course, this is through the work of the Holy Spirit.

The common factor in all of this is a Christian friend walking with each person.

The key thing we want to look at in this session is this: if your friend was ready to come to faith, would you know how to explain the gospel simply and help them surrender their lives to Christ?


  • Breakout room questions -

  • How are you?

  • How did it go with the invitation to meet up with your friends and the response to the text?

  • Any other testimonies of living missionally?

  • One person to tell our stories to each there ( remember 2 mins max)

  • Discussion on what the process of coming to faith was like for all

  • How long from when you first heard what Jesus did it take to come to a place where you knew you were following him?

  • Was there a clear moment or was there a process?

  • What were the key features in you coming to faith?

  • Conclude there are many ways that people come to faith and this is the work of the Holy Spirit, but here are the most common things that help people come to that point and often it is a combination of them.

  • 1-1 conversation and prayer with a Christian friend

  • Attending an Alpha / Christianity Course

  • Attending and evangelistic event with a clear call to faith

  • Through becoming a regular attendee at Sunday services or being involved in a missional community or small group, which gradually leads to a point where they decide to follow Christ.


  • We are to listen to Psalm 40 v 1-10 and some worship music and I want you to listen out for a verse that connects with you. Maybe thinking about a verse that reminds you that God has saved you or a line that helps you to share in God's love for the lost.

  • The key to people coming to faith is for them to begin consistently engaging with faith and God.  You can help your friend come to faith by meeting up and reading gospel stories about Jesus together. The 3 kinds of questions we have been following during the v=bible studies have been.

  • What does this tell me about Jesus ( and therefore God)?

  • What does this tell me about people and human life?

  • How do we need to respond to this?

These questions are just starting points but can lead to discussion further.

In Mission Shaped Living, John McGinley recommends 7 passages in the bible- called 7 stories of hope - for people who are developing an interest in faith. Maybe it's worth reminding yourself of them and knowing them in order to be able to share them? These are;-

  1. The woman who wept at Jesus’ feet Luke 7: v 36-50

  2. Accepted by God Luke 18: v 9-17

  3. A hole in the roof Luke 5: v 17-26

  4. Two lost sons Luke 15: v 11-32

  5. Death and forgiveness Mark 15: v 16-39

  6. New life, new purpose Matthew 28: v 1-20

  7. Which soil are you? Mark 4: v 1-20

When reading these passages think about the questions above and how this could shape a conversation you have with your person of peace?

  • How would  you feel asking a friend to read and discuss a passage like this with you?

  • How do you think basing a discussion around the Word of God can be more beneficial than having a general issues based discussion about faith?

  • What feels hard about it and what feels easier than having a general conversation about faith?

  • Discussion on

  • By reading the bible together, God will speak through his word and it gives you something clear to talk about rather than all the tricky questions about the Christian faith which can sometimes be negative.

  • The bible helps people get to know what Jesus is like and it allows them to share their thoughts and reveal where they are at.

  • Importantly, it allows you to share in an equal conversation with your friend rather than preaching at them as you discuss the passage together.


  •  A key part of the process of coming to faith is understanding what Jesus has done for us and how his death relates to our need for God. We have to be able to explain the gospel in an understandable way, so we're going to look at a tool called “The 3 circles”. It is simple to learn and very helpful as it starts with things people understand ( the good in the world and also our shared experience of pain and brokenness) as well as addressing the issue of sin. There are a number of videos online to show how to tell the gospel (Glen Scrivener - Rico Tice - Crown Jesus Ministries - Pete Collison). The one example we are using today is called “3 Circle Gospel Presentation”.

  • Demonstration of the 3 circles

  • Practise drawing out the diagram. We need to practise it to become confident in explaining the gospel. The 3 circles is not the only tool but simply a way of making the explanation of the gospel clear. We can add to it parts of our story too.

  • At the end of explaining the gospel it is vital that we ask our friends the questions as it helps us to know what is going on with them and whether they are ready to put their trust in Jesus

  • Where do you think you are in this picture?

  • Where would you like to be?

  • Is there anything that would stop you from turning and believing in Jesus now?

Takeaway in the week 

  • Keep practising drawing out and explaining the diagram.

  • Is there anyone you could share this with this week? If not a non Christian friend find a Christian in the week ahead to share in the week ahead to share this with as practice.

  • Daily prayer plan

  • Sharing / accountability with another

  • Finish with prayer, thanking Jesus for his gift of salvation and pray for a time when you could share the good news with your friends.

  • What next?

Explain if they want to do more on bible sharing to be in touch and I can go through more of this and use of the Word 121 materials.

If they want to know more about the bible they can use the bible course.

If they want to know more about the inviting friends to an evangelistic course then we are running Alpha / Christianity Explored again after Easter.

Catechumenate in the Autumn.

Joining in with a homegroup - get in touch.

Any other questions / queries - get in touch.