Parenting Young Disciples
At MIE we understand that the Bible says you as parents are the primary disciplers of your children, and that we are just your supporting act and cheerleaders. If you’re feeling totally out of your depth in how to bring up your children to know and love Christ, we are here to support you, and there are some great resources we can point you to, too! If you actually just want a chat about a particular issue you and/or your child are facing we’d love to meet you for coffee and support you anyway we can -get in contact with us at
We have a playlist on Spotify chock-a-block full of Bible rich songs full of big truths for little hearts! Why don’t you stick it on shuffle in the car and find out your favourites?
Mark has written a blog about parenting and bringing up children in the way they should go in C21st Britain here:
Podcasts! There are some great podcasts on Christian parenting -and even one for kids too!
There’s also loads of books and online resources to help you dig into the Bible, or teach the faith, or do family worship at home with your kids. Here are some of our favourites!
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
The Bible is a BIG book about the BIGGEST story. Each page tells about the God who created the world, acted in history, and continues to act in the present.
'Shepherding a Child's Heart' is about how to speak to the heart of your child. The things your child does and says flow from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way: "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life.
Devotional Dippers
Fun, interactive Bible devotions for the whole family to enjoy!
Devotional dippers are a great way to get your whole family to open up the Bible together. Each stick includes a theme, a Bible reference for you to read, a question to discuss together and a prayer point to encourage you to speak to God.